Почему в террарии 30 фпс
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Почему в террарии 30 фпс

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Почему в террарии 30 фпс

27 stycznia 2014 o 0:18

Террария в замедленном режиме! Terraria in slow-motion

Недавно купил себе новый комп, установил Террарию. Играю и через минут 5 игры БАХ и всё стало как бы в замедленном режиме! На старом компе такого не было.
Спасает только перезапуск игры. Замедление происходит независимо от моих действий, я пробовал играть в разных разрешениях, в окне и фул-скрине, итог один и тот же — игра «переключается» на замедление.
Я читал англоязычные темы, но ответа в них не нашёл (или не понял).

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Почему в террарии 30 фпс

25 мар. 2021 в 10:40

terraria stuck in 30 fps bruh . . . .

my game is stuck in 30 fps even tho i meet all the high settings. . . .
idk how to fix this i have been in some forums but i didn’t understand anything
also sometimes for strange reasons my game goes up to 60 fps but then drops down
i turn on frame skip too
pls help. . .

my graphics card is AMD RADEON HD 8750M
RAM 6 gb
processor is intel core i5-3230M

Автор сообщения: Twisted:

Your GPU is slow and your CPU isn’t much better. Your PC can’t run the game at 60 fps most of the time and with frame skip enabled it drops down to 30fps instead. The alternative is turning frame skip off and letting the game run in slow motion at 40fps or whatever it might be. Turn down all the graphics settings and make sure your laptop is well ventilated. If your laptop still can’t manage 60fps make the game window smaller or lower your monitor resolution. After that there’s nothing you can do other than get a faster laptop (specifically one with a better GPU).

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25 мар. 2021 в 15:04


Your GPU is slow and your CPU isn’t much better. Your PC can’t run the game at 60 fps most of the time and with frame skip enabled it drops down to 30fps instead. The alternative is turning frame skip off and letting the game run in slow motion at 40fps or whatever it might be. Turn down all the graphics settings and make sure your laptop is well ventilated. If your laptop still can’t manage 60fps make the game window smaller or lower your monitor resolution. After that there’s nothing you can do other than get a faster laptop (specifically one with a better GPU).

25 мар. 2021 в 15:32

PC Terraria 30 FPS bug (Solution??)

UPDATE: Wave qualityToggle OFF , Then restart the game. Now i have stable and buttery 60 FPS. ALL liquid in any world has Pre-load? If that yes,then why? Wonder why my game lags and (Capped?) to 30 FPS when there’s no water around with it turned off.Weird.

Sooo..I decided to play Terraria on my PC,but there was always some sort of lag while playing it.I found out that i’ve got the game capped at 30 FPS and for some reason can’t rise it up to 60 FPS.Terraria was doing that like. Locking (CAPPING) my FPS. This only happens when I’m in a world and seems to randomly start and stop.It really pisses me off.
I have Absolutely ALL updated drivers.And also have last updated Windows 10 21H1,AMD Drivers on 21.8.2 (08.24.21),and also have Terraria

2021-10-24 05-34-57_Moment.jpg

  • Alt+Tab — occasionally raises frame rate back to 60FPS for only a few seconds before returning back to 30FPS
  • Changing lighting to retro — no change, left this setting at Classic for the rest of the fixes
  • Messed with some more arbitrary graphics settings (backgrounds, blood/gore, etc) — no change
  • Frame Skip: On — game remains at 30FPS but is now at normal speed. Playable, but there is a noticeable delay with mouse movement and menu interactions. The 1/2 speed happens on both: Subtle and Off. Left this on Off to recreate the original issue for the rest of the fixes.
  • Tried a different existing character and different existing world — no change
    • Tried a fresh new character and fresh new world — no change
    • Changed Terraria’s process affinity to only Cores 1, 2, and 3 (unchecked Core 0) — no change, rest of fixes use all 4 cores
    • Tried to disable Steam overlay — no change
    • Reinstall Terraria and Verify again — no change

    One Temporary solution which i found is. If you try to open the AMD Overlay using combination ALT+R,then FPS will be unlocked to 60 FPS but for 2 seconds.
    I don’t know what to do.

    My SPECS:

    • CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3350G 3,60 Ghz. 4 Core (8 thread)
    • GPU: AMD RX Vega 11 Graphics (3350G Graphics)
    • RAM: Kingston HyperX Fury Black [HX432C16FB3K2/8] 4 GB x 2. 8 GB Total.
    • HardDrive: Kingston A400 240GB.
      • Terraria installed here,on SSD.

      Why is Terraria only running at 30 fps?

      Your GPU is slow and your CPU isn’t much better. Your PC can’t run the game at 60 fps most of the time and with frame skip enabled it drops down to 30fps instead. The alternative is turning frame skip off and letting the game run in slow motion at 40fps or whatever it might be.

      Why am I locked to 30 FPS?

      1. Check your power settings. Make sure your computer is not set to power saving mode, which can limit your FPS. You can check your power settings by going to Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Power Options.

      How do I fix my Terraria framerate?

      Lowering settings like resolution, frame skip, lighting quality, and particle effects can reduce the strain on your device’s hardware and improve FPS. Close unnecessary background processes: Before launching Terraria, close any other applications or processes running in the background.

      Is Terraria limited to 60FPS?

      Change it in the settings or toggle it with Alt + ↵ Enter . Frame Skip ON caps the framerate to 60 FPS; disabling Frame Skip causes tooltip flickering, faster menu scrolling, and faster item crafting/buying. Game logic is capped at 60 FPS.

      Does Terraria have 120 FPS?

      Unfortunately, I’ve seen the developer state that Terraria runs at 60 fps; due to the way it was programmed, there’s nothing you will be able to do to take advantage of a high-refresh monitor.

      How Speedrunners Broke Terraria

      How to get 120 FPS?

      120 Hz FPS setup

      1. Make sure that your console is on the latest update: .
      2. Make sure that your TV supports the 120 Hz refresh rate. .
      3. Change your console display settings to 120 Hz: .
      4. Enable FPS boost in the compatibility settings for the game:

      How many hours is 100% Terraria?

      Main Story: 100 hours. Main and Extra Content: 200 hours. Completionist: 500 hours.

      Why is Terraria running so slow?

      The most likely reason why the game is running in slow motion is because when frame skip is off I makes sure that you get every single frame, so if the game caps the max frames per second at (eg.) 120 and you are running at 60 frames per second then it’s going to takes 2 seconds to get all of the frames.

      Why am I limited to 60 fps?

      Your monitor’s refresh rate: The refresh rate of your monitor is the maximum number of frames per second that it can display. If your monitor’s refresh rate is 60Hz, then your game will be capped at 60FPS.

      Why has my FPS gone bad?

      The most common reason for reduced FPS is graphics settings that create a larger workload than your hardware can handle. So how do you achieve better FPS? Getting a faster CPU, more RAM, or a newer graphics card is one solution.

      Is there a mod to increase FPS in Terraria?

      To improve your gaming experience, it is advised to use a Terraria FPS boost tool LagoFast before running the game.

      Should I have Frameskip on Terraria?

      It will not have any affect on your FPS, but it will make it easier to play if you have it off in singleplayer but in multiplayer you’ll be at a disadvantage since you’ll be moving slower and enemies will teleport towards you if your framerate falls below 60 fps.

      Why 30 FPS looks bad on PC?

      Vast majority of monitors can’t switch refresh rate to 30Hz. When you are limiting frames, your refresh rate is still 59.94 or something like that. What happens is that there’s a discrepancy with the timing of the monitor. This discrepancy causes 30fps to look terrible.

      Why am I getting low FPS on my high end PC?

      Low frames-per-second (FPS) rates or frame rates in games are usually caused by computer hardware not being able to meet a game’s system requirements in a given setting. If a device’s hardware and a game’s requirements are too far apart, a game will refuse to load.

      Why am I stuck on 40 FPS?

      By default, whisper mode caps the fps at 40. The cap value can be changed in the Nvidia control panel under program settings if you want to keep whisper mode on but increase the fps cap. I’m actually quite certain this is the issue you’re having. Happy gaming.

      Is Terraria 2 confirmed?

      Terraria 2 is to be the second installment of the Terraria series. Little is known about the nature and content of the game, and there is currently no release date. Terraria’s lead developer, Redigit, explained that while the game will have «a lot in common with the original», it will also be «quite different».

      Is Terraria CPU or GPU heavy?

      CPU intensive. Hardly any of the code is made to work on the GPU instead of the CPU, so the CPU is doing all of the heavy lifting.

      How fast can Terraria run?

      All characters start with a horizontal movement speed of 11 tiles/second, or 15 mph (shown by the Stopwatch). While moving, the character will automatically climb any one-block high ledge or hill, and horizontal movement speed is not impeded by doing so (climbing over a pyramid is just as fast as tunneling through it).

      Is Terraria harder to run or Minecraft?

      Terraria actually has higher GFX requirements than Minecraft. Not much higher, but higher. My video card was supposedly insufficient to run Terraria, though minecraft 1.5 used to run just fine. Minecraft leaks memory.

      How long is a Terraria minute?

      One minute of in-game time lasts one second of real-world time, meaning one hour in-game lasts one minute real-world. Therefore, one full Terraria day lasts 24 real-world minutes (15 during the day, 9 during the night).

      What is frame skip Terraria?

      Frame Skip skips unnecessary frames to improve performance and reduce Desynchronization issues in multiplayer. On: Enables a default frameskip function provided by XNA, the programming environment that Terraria is developed in.

      How long does Terraria exist?

      The game was first released for Windows on May 16, 2011, and has since been ported to several other platforms. The game features exploration, crafting, building, painting, and combat with a variety of creatures in a procedurally generated 2D world.

      Who is the final boss in Terraria?

      The Moon Lord is the final boss of Terraria, and drops a majority of the endgame items.

      How long is a Terraria year?

      Since time in Terraria moves 60 times faster then real time, a week in Terraria is 48 minutes in real life. If there are twelve months in a year, and each month is eight days, that means that a year in Terraria is 96 in game days.

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