[SOLVED] Unable to Initialize Graphics System
Keep getting Unable to initialize graphics system error message? You’re definitely not alone. Don’t worry. No matter what game you’re playing, you can fix the problem with the following troubleshooting methods.
How to fix a graphics initialization failure?
- Method 1: Update your graphics driver
- Method 2: Run in compatibility mode
- Method 3: Change resolution settings
- Method 4: Repair corrupted system files
Method 1: Update your graphics driver
Drivers handle the communication between your computer hardware and your operating system, programs, and apps. Therefore, if your graphic driver is outdated or corrupt, your program may not be able to initialize your graphics system.
Since graphics drivers need regular updates to fix bugs, add new features, and improve performance for new PC games, you should always update your graphics driver to ensure a better game experience. Above all, it can prevent you from bumping into various crashing issues in the future.
Option 1— Update with Device Manager
To update your graphics card driver manually, you’ll first need to check the Device Manager for any updates. However, Windows won’t always find the latest driver for you. If Windows fails to find a newer one, you’ll need to find the exact graphics driver online (NVIDIA or AMD) and install it manually.
If you don’t know the exact graphics driver you’re using, go to Device Manager > right click your graphics driver > Properties > Driver to get more driver details such as driver provider and driver version, etc.
Option 2—Update All Your Drivers With Simple Clicks
If you don’t have the time, patience, or computer skills to update the graphics driver manually, you can do it automatically with Driver Easy—This is the quickest and easiest option. It’s all done with just a couple of mouse clicks—easy even if you’re a computer newbie.
1) Download and install Driver Easy.
2) Run Driver Easy and click the Scan Now button. Driver Easy will then scan your computer and detect any problem drivers.
3) Click Update to automatically download the correct version of this driver, then you can manually install it(you can do this with the FREE version).
Or click Update All to automatically download and install the correct version of all the drivers that are missing or out of date on your system (this requires the Pro version – you’ll be prompted to upgrade when you click Update All. You get full support and 30-day money back guarantee.)
If you need assistance, please contact Driver Easy’s support team at support@drivereasy.com.
4) Restart your computer for the changes to take effect.
If the method doesn’t work, you can open Device Manager again, right-click your graphics driver and Disable it and restart your computer. Horrible as the method may seem, it has proved very useful for many users.
Method 2: Run in compatibility mode
Many users find it works by simply running the game in compatibility mode. To do it here is how:
1) Locate your game application in the installation folder.
2) Right-click the game and select Properties.
Note: Alternatively, you can right-click the game and select Troubleshoot compatibility.
3) Choose the Compatibility tab.
4) Check the box under Compatibility mode and select what you want the game to be compatible with.
5) Tick the box next to Disable fullscreen optimizations and Run this program as administrator.
6) Click Apply > OK.
7) Launch your game to check if the game is working properly again.
Method 3: Change your display resolution settings
1) Try a different in-game resolution.
2) Right-click on your desktop and select Display settings. Change your desktop display resolution accordingly.
3) Try the various resolution options until the game launches successfully.
In conclusion, the main causes of this problem are driver issues, compatibility mode, and display resolutions.
Method 4: Repair corrupted system files
If none of the methods above work, there may be corrupted or damaged system files on your computer. They may trigger a variety of error messages related to hardware or security. To detect and fix them, you should perform an in-depth PC scan.
Fortect is a powerful Windows repair and optimization tool. It can detect a variety of hardware or security issues, and replace damaged files on your computer with correct and updated Windows files and components. It’s much like a fresh reinstallation of Windows, but keeps your programs, user data and settings as they are.
1) Download and install Fortect.
2) Open Fortect and click Yes to run a free scan of your PC.
3) Fortect will scan your computer thoroughly. This may take a few minutes.
4) Once done, you’ll see a detailed report of all the issues on your PC. To fix them automatically, click START REPAIR. This requires you to purchase the full version. But don’t worry. If Fortect doesn’t solve the issue, you can request a refund within 60 days.
Hopefully, one of the methods above works for you. Please feel free to leave a comment if you have questions or suggestions.
Couldn t initialize graphics engine grim dawn что делать
29 авг. 2019 в 11:24
Автор сообщения: Colasson76
Thx for answer, i tried it, but still the same issue .
One way or the other it’s a drivertype-related issue. For some reinstalling the DX files works, for others — like so: https://steamcommunity.com/app/219990/discussions/0/405690850600744370
The other possibility is your C++ Redistributables in this location:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Steamworks Shared\_CommonRedist\vcredist
You will see a handful of folders, named by years. You can go into each in turn and reinstall first the x86 versions and then the x64 versions, in that order — and see if it helps.
Couldn’t initialize gtaphics engine

Отправлено 16 Июнь 2015 — 19:26
При запуске выдаёт сообщение «Couldn’t initialize graphics engine». Ну и дальше не запускается. Может кто подсказать как быть?
P.S. Windows 8.1, видяха NVidia GTX 770, драйвер самый последний.
P.P.S. Пробовал обновлять Direct X и различные режимы совместимости, в т.ч. и запуск от имени администратора. Да же фигня.
- AndrewHep это нравится

Отправлено 16 Июнь 2015 — 20:44
Попробуй в свойствах екзешника установить совместимость с win7 — в какой-то игре помогло когда то. а так больше хз

Отправлено 16 Июнь 2015 — 21:03
Пробовал. Не помогло.

Отправлено 17 Июнь 2015 — 08:30
Тебе нужен директх9. Поверх более нового он ставиться не будет. Вероятно, придется сперва снести текущий, потом поставить девятый, потом поверх уже последний.
Немного игрового видео

Отправлено 18 Июнь 2015 — 00:46
http://www.grimdawn. owthread.php?t=22619
Тебе нужен директх9. Поверх более нового он ставиться не будет. Вероятно, придется сперва снести текущий, потом поставить девятый, потом поверх уже последний.
Вот только не так-то просто его удалить! При попытке его снести винда меня вежливо посылает. Поверх тоже не устанавливается. 10 и 11 DX насколько я понимаю вшиты в винду, поэтому устанавливаться будет по-любому только 9ка. Но вот и с ней проблемы.
Вчера отправлял DxLog разработчикам. Мне ответили что всё норм и попросили прислать им лог загрузки игры. Пока что не ответили.
Хочу отметить, что я не полный лох в компьютерах и все возможные варианты с драйверами, совместимостью, сбросом настроек, переустановкой и пр. ерундой уже перебрал. И, прежде чем лезть сюда, поискал решение в интернете. Как ни странно похожая проблема встречалась у людей с Titan Quest. Подозреваю что это какой-то древнючий глюк движка.
Лично у меня похожая проблема ни разу не встречалась. Всё остальное отлично запускается и играется.

Отправлено 18 Июнь 2015 — 05:06
Ну в таком случае либо ждать решения от разработчиков, либо продолжать ковыряться с настройками. Проблема, судя по всему, очень редкая, поэтому массовое решение будет вряд ли. Как ты понимаешь, те, у кого этой проблемы нет, решение тебе найти вряд ли помогут.
Немного игрового видео

Отправлено 18 Июнь 2015 — 09:08
Astimartini , и просьба запостить тогда вариант решения проблемы Я надеюсь что решение-то найдется

Отправлено 19 Июнь 2015 — 09:01
Astimartini , и просьба запостить тогда вариант решения проблемы Я надеюсь что решение-то найдется
В общем, разрабы что пишут. Проблема уже встречалась. Тем людям помогла переустановка винды. Такие вот дела)

Отправлено 19 Июнь 2015 — 10:19
Мда, супер. Спасибо, что отписался

Отправлено 19 Июнь 2015 — 14:34
Это не поможет случаем?
Немного игрового видео

Отправлено 10 Июль 2017 — 10:05
вобщем то проблема осталась не решена. (( запускается без всяких проблем, все версии выше графический движок не определяется. ДиректХ 9 поставил, С++ ред.. обновил. Может есть еще какие то зацепки?

Отправлено 11 Июль 2017 — 10:09
Stiwa, может у тебя видеокарта шейдеры какие-то там не поддерживает? Или винда хр? Или драйвера древние?
Верховный жрец русскоязычного бреда

- Discord: Alk0zAuruS
- Город Десна
Отправлено 11 Июль 2017 — 17:43
вобщем то проблема осталась не решена. (( запускается без всяких проблем, все версии выше графический движок не определяется. ДиректХ 9 поставил, С++ ред.. обновил. Может есть еще какие то зацепки?
Попробуй другой репак, возможно в этом проблема.
Вы вправе высказывать свое мнение о переводе, но просим учитывать, что мнение тех, кто предлагает свои варианты (особенно, если такие варианты оказываются удачными) будет всегда иметь больший вес, чем мнение тех, кто «я не знаю как надо, но вы делаете неправильно», при этом люди, выполняющие основную работу по переводу всегда оставляют за собой право на решающее мнение независимо от любых других обстоятельств.
Я перевожу игру на русский потому, что на английском ничего в ней не понимаю

Отправлено 11 Июль 2017 — 19:50
C++ 2015 x86 и DirectX с папки с игрой?? Repair.exe запускал?? Дрова на видяху пробуй с оф. сайта и с Windows Update. Проверь кеш в стиме. Пробуй всё, что можно

Отправлено 11 Июль 2017 — 21:32
C++ х86 стоят за 2012, 13, 15г. ДиректХ 9, 11. Дрова новейшие. Причем интересно именно то, что ранние версии работают, а вот,
Сообщение отредактировал Stiwa: 12 Июль 2017 — 10:07

Отправлено 12 Август 2021 — 14:53
У себя эту проблему решил за счет ввода в свойствах ярлыка параметра /d3d9
Пример ввода: SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\Grim Dawn.exe» /d3d9
Could Not Initialize Graphics System on Windows 10/11 Computer? Quick Fix Here.
What does the ‘Could not initialize graphics system’ error mean? Does it keep showing up when you try to run a game? We understand how discouraging that can get. That is why we have compiled a list of effective solutions to help you resolve the issue. If that sounds good to you, proceed to the next section of our guide. We’ll go through the solutions in detail.
Ways to Get Rid ‘Could Not Initialize Graphics System’ Notification in Windows
Many Windows users said they encountered the problem when they tried to play Age of Empires. The error message suggested they check if their video card and driver are compatible with DirectDraw.
What exactly is DirectDraw? It is an old API that was once a part of Microsoft’s DirectX API. It renders graphics in applications that demand high performance. It also makes it possible for applications to open on full screen or get embedded in a window. For computers that have hardware acceleration enabled, DirectDraw takes advantage of it to give direct access to video memory.
How to Resolve the ‘Could Not Initialize Graphics System’ Error on Windows 10:
Whatever game you tried to run when you encountered the ‘Unable to initialize graphics system,’ the following fixes are sure to resolve it:
- Update your graphics drivers
- Run Windows Updates
- Run your game in compatibility mode
- Modify the resolution of your display
- Install DirectX manually
Let us now go through the procedure for applying these fixes.
Fix 1: Update Your Graphics Drivers
Without the correct drivers, your OS and apps cannot function as intended. So if you are seeing this issue now, it could be that there is something wrong with your graphics drivers. Either they are outdated or got missing or corrupt for some reason. New driver updates also contain patches to resolve bugs and ensure optimal performance, especially for gaming PCs.
There are four methods you can use to update your drivers:
- Through Device Manager
- Installing Windows updates
- Through the website of your device manufacturer
- Using an automatic updater tool
Method 1: Updating Your Graphics Driver via the Device Manager
Follow these steps:
- Press the Windows + R keys to invoke the Run dialog box.
- Type “Devmgmt.msc” (no quotes) in the text area and click OK or press the Enter key on your keyboard.
- Look through the left pane of the Device Manager window and locate Display Adapters. Click the arrow next to it to reveal your graphics devices.
- Right-click on the device you want to update and click on Update Driver from the context menu.
- Turn on your Internet connection.
- Click on the ‘Search automatically for updated driver software’ option. The system will search your PC storage and the internet for the latest drivers and then install them.
Method 2: Update Drivers via Windows Updates
Windows updates contain new driver versions. Initiating Windows updates will automatically download and install the required drivers:
- Open the Settings app. You can do this by going to the Start menu and clicking on the gear icon. You can also use the Windows + I keyboard combination.
- Click on Update & Security.
- You will find the Windows Update option in the left pane of the next page that opens. Click on it.
- Click the Check for Updates button. If there are any updates, they will be downloaded and installed automatically.
- Restart your system to complete the process.
Method 3: Visit the Website of Your Device Manufacturer
Updating your drivers through Device Manager or Windows updates may not always yield the desired results. The system might fail to find the most recent driver versions. It is often better to go directly to the NVIDIA, AMD, or Intel website.
Method 4: Use an Automatic Updater Tool
The best and easiest way to update your graphics drivers is with the use of an automatic tool. Such a tool will be able to read your computer and detect drivers that require attention. We suggest you use Auslogics Driver Updater. It is a software application that has been approved and recommended by Microsoft and trusted by millions of users worldwide.
Driver Updater, once installed, automatically detects the specifications of your computer. It then initiates a scan to detect problematic drivers. After the scan is complete, you can choose to update all the devices on the list or just the ones you choose. All it takes is just a click of a button. The tool ensures the correct driver versions are downloaded and installed. It also runs a backup so that you can easily perform a rollback if ever you need to.
Fix 2: Run Windows Updates
Windows updates contain patches and new software versions required for the smooth functioning of your system and apps. Installing these updates can help resolve your gaming issue:
- Go to the Start menu and type “Windows update” (no quotes) in the search bar. Click on the option that appears in the search results.
- You will arrive in the Windows Settings app. Click the ‘Check for updates’ button.
- Wait for the process to complete and then restart your computer.
- Check if your game will launch successfully.
Fix 3: Run Your Game in Compatibility Mode
Some apps may not function optimally in your version of Windows. Running them in compatibility mode can help fix that.
Compatibility mode is an easy-access tool that allows older programs to run on newer OS versions. It alters the system settings on a program-by-program basis, making it possible for other apps to function normally on your PC. At the same time, it allows older applications to work.
Here’s how to enable compatibility mode for your game:
- Navigate to the installation folder of your game and right-click on the game. You could also right-click on the desktop shortcut.
- Click on the Properties option from the context menu.
- Go to the Compatibility tab in the window that opens.
- Click the drop-down menu under the Compatibility mode section and choose the older version of Windows you want the game to be compatible with.
- Under the Settings section, mark the checkboxes for the options ‘Run this program as an administrator’ and ‘Disable fullscreen optimizations.’
- Click the Apply button to keep the change.
- Click OK.
- You can now try launching your game and see if the error will still come up. If it does, don’t worry. There are still other fixes to perform.
Fix 4: Modify the Resolution of Your Display
Changing your computer’s screen resolution and display settings can help resolve the ‘Could not initialize graphics system’ error. Follow these easy steps:
- Right-click on a blank area on your desktop and click on Display Settings from the context menu that appears.
- Better still, you can skip Step 1 and open the Settings app by pressing the Windows logo + I keyboard combo. Click on System in the window that opens. Afterward, click on Display in the left pane of the next page.
- Now, expand the drop-down arrow under Display Resolution and select a new resolution. Check if your game will run successfully. If it doesn’t, try a different resolution until the game works.
There is one more fix to attempt. Hopefully, you will have resolved the error by now. Otherwise, try the final solution below.
Fix 5: Install DirectX Manually
Microsoft DirectX is a suite of technologies that grant hardware acceleration for tasking multimedia applications, such as HD videos and 3D games. It is included as an integral part of the Windows operating system. Newer versions are made available in Windows updates. However, if you are still encountering issues with your game at this point in our guide, you should try installing the DirectX update manually:
- Visit Microsoft’s website and go to the DirectX download page.
- Click on the red Download button to download the setup file to your computer.
- Run the dxwebsetup.exe file and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
Tip: During the installation process, make sure to deselect any additional installation (for example, Bing Bar) that you are not interested in.
- The installation will only take a few seconds. Restart your computer after the process is complete.
Note: Different versions of Windows support different versions of DirectX. Some versions of DirectX (For Example, DirectX 12) cannot be obtained outside of Windows updates.
How to Fix Unable to Initialize Graphics on Windows 11
Fixing ‘Unable to initialize graphics system’ on Windows 11 is not much different from Windows 10 since the causes of the error are similar. When you get this error, first restart the game or use another video resolution in case your computer does not support the game’s graphics. If the error persists, don’t worry. Read on to understand how to initialize graphics in Windows 11:
Install the Latest Version of DirectX
Games can utilize DirectX APIs (Application Programming Interface) to get the most out of the available hardware. The program allows games to open and play with the best features available. This means you’ll be able to experience the best resolution possible.
Windows 11 has a built-in DirectX feature, but you can download it if it is not there. Installing DirectX is relatively straightforward and should only take a few minutes. If you already have DirectX on your computer, follow these steps to check if it’s up to date:
- To begin, press the Windows + R combination to initiate the Run command.
- Type “dxdiag” (no quotes) into the text box, then press Enter or click OK to access the DirectX Diagnostic Tool.
- Locate the DirectX version entry near the bottom and check the version installed.
- Don’t start the download process if you already have the most recent version installed.
If you don’t have the updated version, use the following steps to download it:
- Open your device Settings via the Windows Start bar or by pressing the Win + I combo.
- Select “Windows Update” from the left navigation pane.
- Click “Check for updates” on the right. An updated DirectX will be downloaded and installed if available.
- Your computer will need a restart after the update.
Update Windows Graphics Driver
Updating your graphics card is vital for ensuring your gaming sessions are the best they can be. You can update the drivers via third-party software or the auto-update feature in the device manager. This guide will show you where to find your graphic card drivers and how to update them:
- Access your device manager by pressing the Win + X combination, then select “Device Manager” or search for it in the search box on the taskbar.
- Pick a category from the displayed list to see various device names.
- Next, right-click on the driver you want to update.
- Choose “Update Driver” then “Search automatically for updated driver software.”
- If the automatic search method doesn’t locate a new driver, you can browse for an updated one on the manufacturer’s website and install it manually.
Use the Roll Back Driver Feature
This method is helpful if the ‘Unable to initialize graphics’ error occurs after updating your graphics driver. It allows you to return to the previous driver version if the latest one is causing trouble. To roll back, follow the following steps:
- Open device manager by pressing Win + X keys simultaneously.
- Right-click on your graphics driver, then select “Properties.”
- On the Driver tab, pick the “Roll Back Driver” option, then OK.
We hope you’ve found our guide helpful. Should you have any questions or comments, please feel free to share them with us in the comments section below.